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Core Data Lessons Learned.

The lessons I’ve learned about using CD are pretty simple.

1) Retain the minimum CD items as necessary to run your app. The CD row cache and fetch requests appear to be quite performant. Rebuilding fetches allows the system to dump memory as needed.

2) -save: is your friend. -save: early and often. Sometimes this will hit your UI’s responsiveness. It’s OK. In particular, you should -save: before starting background operations. Frequent -save:‘s mean that each one is a fast operation.

3) The fetched results controller is “new” code. It has surprising performance “gotchas” and section update bugs. In particular, you should dump it at the first sign of memory pressure. You can recreate it simply. Block oriented fetches are quick.

4) It really helps to go though your program early in a memory warning and dump CD items. Your root view controllers appear to get first crack at dumping memory. If at all possible, do it there. It isn’t clear whether CD gets a chance to dump it’s caches before your -applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning: gets called. When it did, I then frequently saw a UI-locking loop into the fetched results controller. Also, call -save: in each memory warning routine. If you are observing NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification, it creates a potential dirty loop; KVO observers get fired as the save progresses.

5) The predicate documentation is wholly inadequate. Yes, it is a complete reference. Yet, it is useless as a learning document. The “CD Programming Guide” is much better. The predicate guide needs as thorough a treatment. (Apple is not alone in this lack, one well known book addresses predicates in 3/4 of one page. I feel like such a sucker buying a DB book that doesn’t cover the query language.) For example, I spent a great deal of time banging my head against the fetching limitations of the fetch request. (Of course, if you use a fetched results controller, you have no choice. There is a great need for a block/handler controller.) There are no good examples of the idioms involved with using this predicate language. In particular, when I need to start using text searching, there is little discussion of how the regex engine interacts with the object graph and the row cache.

6) There are surprising interactions between your foreground and background contexts. They can be handled with careful model design and instantiation order. While I don’t think Apple should necessarily document these kinds of problems, some discussion of CD model design guidelines would be helpful. CD is a different way to think about a data model. Apple needs, IMO, to help folks get their heads around the differences.

While you might think that all of my suffering with CD would cause me to walk away from the technology, I’m leaning the other way. As I’ve now crossed a competence threshold, I am seeing good benefits from using an object graph instead of a SQL model. For example, I have a recursive algorithm. Recursive SQL appears to be it’s own special hell. The object graph makes it easy and handles cycles well. While I doubt there is a performance issue, I can pre-fill the row caches with a single fetch request. In addition, my algorithms are well served by object graphs.

The above said, I wish that learning this technology was as straightforward as learning the rest of Cocoa/Cocoa Touch. Apple could do better here.