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Monthly Archives: September 2009

Coordinate Systems and the iPhone…

Interesting iPhone apps draw custom views/widgets. Every platform though makes assumptions that will be good for some applications and bad for others. As the Mac OS X evolved into iPhone OS, one of the graphics assumptions changed — the handedness of the drawing coordinate system. In Mac OS X’s case, the right handed coordinate system […]

The iRush: Programming the iPhone…

’09ers versus the ’49ers: the only differences are the lack of dirt and hookers. The iRush has been underway for 18 or so months now. The facts are clear. This is a great market to experiment with product design and business models. It is also where many small, “long tail” businesses are being formed — […]

About the DDG blog…

This blog is a place for me, Andrew Donoho, to write about technical strategy, design and programming/development issues. I’ll be publishing code, primarily for the iPhone. I’ll discuss the strategic implications of technology developments. And I’ll be discussing design in both the user interface and the code. I hope you enjoy it.